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Inspiring the Light in the Darkness

An abstract illustration that represents different phases of depression, seeking to make the invisible visible.


An abstract illustration that represents different phases of depression, seeking to make the invisible visible. The word “depression” is not mentioned in the book. Therefore, the reader must find her own interpretation of the different feelings and emotions of the disease while diving into the illustrations. The aesthetic approach is consciously simple and minimalist. The techniques used are hand drawing, computer drawing, and 3D-modeling.

Valentina Almarza Cruz

Valentina is a Chilean artist in Berlin. She studied architecture at Universidad del Desarrollo (UDD) in Santiago de Chile. She is passionate about aesthetics and new technologies. Currently, she is pursuing a masters degree in Communication Design at HMKW Berlin.
You can find more of her work here: valmarza.com

Concept, illustration and Design: Valentina Almarza Cruz
No text
15 pages, 13 videos (animated illustrations), audio
fixed epub (34 MB)
December 2018
ISBN 978-3-947295-33-3
3,99 Euro

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