Showing all 5 results
I Speak Radio
Publication with radio texts by Anna Bromley. Reflections with invited artists, activists and researchers on language and voice in the context of sound, politics and everyday life
Text in Public – Zine Performances and Rants
First monograph of writing by visual artist Lyónn Wolf interconnecting performative works, performance scripts and assemblage texts.
Eine flexible Frau – Drehbuch und Materialien
Screenplay of the first part of the Frauen und Arbeit trilogy with film clips and a foreword by Angela McRobbie
Helke Sander: I like chaos, but I don’t know whether chaos likes me
Texts from “Frauen und Film”. The newly published texts focus on central questions of feminist film work.
Fix My Code
Breaking points between code and culture – exemplified by the net.art generator. Starting with a broken tool, two artists engage in a thrilling dialogue about code, the aesthetics of the dysfunctional and the female coder as the lasting exception