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Between You and Me

Portraiture as a relational exercise: while family and friends draw her portrait, Anna Selander photographs their gaze 


“I have been asking family, friends and acquaintances to draw my portrait. I supply them with paper together with a pen from which they are free to portray me as they wish. While they are doing this, I photograph them, trying to capture an image of their gaze.”

In Anna Selander’s project Between You and Me, portraiture becomes a relational exercise. Whereas in most cases there is a clear separation of artist and subject, here the balance of power is equal. Who portraits whom and what do the images reveal?

Each drawing is juxtaposed with the photograph of the artist, taken by the portrayed subject herself. This project reveals surprising insights on relationships, authorship and projection.

With a text by Lena Johansson

Anna Selander

Anna Selander is an artist and art pedagogue based in Stockholm, Sweden. She was educated in École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux Arts and IHEAP in Paris.
She has been working mostly in the field of photography and video. Her work is often collaborative and interactive.
For several years Anna has been working as a tutor at Atelier Inuti with artistically talented individuals with intellectual disabilities and individuals within the autism spectrum.

Text: Lena Johansson
Photographs: Anna Selander
Design: Jana Schnell
30 pages, 26 drawings, 26 photographs
fixed epub (22 MB)
March 2019
ISBN 978-3-947295-25-8
4,99 Euro

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