• ed7z-bwus-emda iiv9-sfgv-fyd1 anfk-tkdo-vdmf 1qmd-uqsm-9kco 4shx-pjdm-46eb 2chg-mgar-zimn jnbp-fd79-r0sz ha4v-2xga-t9lz g0e9-4h4y-2reh liin-u7hy-hmue w91x-2uid-zo5x nf3k-b9ga-izmk gxvr-sxos-vhav e39z-ecgp-xlso veba-bs1u-oi6u 1guv-jjsy-t3ma ofte-ftlg-tzfn
  • ed7z-bwus-emda iiv9-sfgv-fyd1 anfk-tkdo-vdmf 1qmd-uqsm-9kco 4shx-pjdm-46eb 2chg-mgar-zimn jnbp-fd79-r0sz ha4v-2xga-t9lz g0e9-4h4y-2reh liin-u7hy-hmue w91x-2uid-zo5x nf3k-b9ga-izmk gxvr-sxos-vhav e39z-ecgp-xlso veba-bs1u-oi6u 1guv-jjsy-t3ma ofte-ftlg-tzfn
  • ee-never-mind-5
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Never Mind the Nineties

A media archaeology of Berlin as an art location


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While the 1990s are in the process of becoming history, the book project is conducting an archaeology of the documents and remnants that remain of it: This archaeology of the 1990s deals with an in-between time that, as a “recent past” (Walter Benjamin), has not yet become binding history.

Newspaper — »Archäologie autonomer Zeitungen in den 90ern: scheinschlag und A.N.Y.P.« — conversation with Ulrike Steglich and Stephan Geen

Archive — »Es wird gewesen sein: (Über)Leben und Arbeiten im post Futur II-Zeitalter.« — conversation with Bettina Allamoda

Office — »Wir wollten, dass auf der Ebene der Produktion miteinander gesprochen wird.« — conversation with Waling Boers

Sound carrier — »Diese Verweigerungshaltung, die kann ich total nachvollziehen.« — conversation with Mo Loschelder

Video — »Wie besetzte ich ein Haus, und wie berichte ich darüber?« — conversation with Manuel Zimmer

Poster — »So inszenieren wir die Stadt!« — conversation with Carl Hegemann and Bernd Frank

The series of talks took place as part of the research project Autonomy and Functionalisation a Cultural-Historical-Aesthetic Analysis of Art Concepts in the Visual Arts in Berlin from the 1990s to the Present at the Berlin University of the Arts, funded by the Einstein Foundation.

Knut Ebeling

Knut Ebeling is a philosopher, media theorist and art critic. Since 2009 he has been a professor of media theory and aesthetics in the department of Theory and History at the weißensee academy of art berlin. He lives and teaches in Berlin.

Annette Maechtel

Annette Maechtel lives and works as a freelance curator, art and cultural scholar and lecturer in Berlin. Her research focuses explicitly on Berlin as a political and discursive space. Her curatorial approach is research-based, mostly collective and uses a wide variety of media and formats including temporary spaces, publications, walks, radio programmes, but also institutional exhibitions.
In 2018, she completed her dissertation at the HGB Leipzig. Since 2017, she has been a research assistant in the Einstein research project Autonomy and Functionalisation at the UdK Berlin, Institute for History and Theory of Design (IGTG).

Heimo Lattner

Studied at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna and the Whitney Independent Study Program, NY. Co-operator of the project space General Public Berlin (2005–2015). Since 2015 editorial member of the Berlin Journals—On the History and Present State of the City and co-editor of Ibid. – szenische Lesungen aus Dokumenten der Berliner Stadt-und Kunturpolitik. Since 2017 research on Autonomy and Functionalisation at the UdK Berlin. Lectureship at the department of Theory and History at the weißensee academy of art berlin (2017–2018).

Eds.: Knut Ebeling, Heimo Lattner, Annette Maechtel
Conversations with: Bettina Allamoda, Waling Boers, Bernd Frank, Stephan Geene, Carl Hegemann, Mo Loschelder, Ulrike Steglich and Manuel Zimmer
Design: Madeleine Stöber
Approx. 300 pages, 50 illustrations, image sequences, film clips and audio
epub (42 MB)
November 2019
ISBN 978-3-947295-50-0
5,99 Euro

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