Michael Fesca (Ed.)

Michael Fesca’s texts, drawings and exhibitions explore anti-hegemonic temporalities and their somatic dimensions. He investigates phenomena such as the cool-inflationary, the groove or getting out of step. He is currently conducting research at the University of Art and Design Linz. His mostly collaborative projects have been commissioned and produced by the nGbK Berlin, the Heinrich Böll Foundation, the Goethe Institute Mexico, the radio station reboot.fm, the Fondazione Forma di Milano, the Fondazione Arthur Cravan, the City Museum of Ljubljana, the depot Wien, the weißensee kunsthochschule berlin, the FHNW Basel and the Shedhalle Zürich. Among the publications he has written for are Springerin, the zine book Speak to me, as well as the nGbK publications Jokebook and Glossary of Inflationary Terms.

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