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economic words

Visual poetry from Financial Times newspaper clippings. A selection from the archive of economic words

13,99 32,00 

Is there a hidden meaning behind the daily news of the world of finance and economics?

Since 2012 the artist Anke Becker draws the visual poems economic words: With a black marker, words and whole sentences are crossed out from newspaper clippings of the business newspaper Financial Times. Only isolated words remain visible. Previously hidden meaning emerges beyond stock exchange quotations and international money flows.

economic words are laconic notations of a subjective character, filtered out of journalistic texts that analyze general economic events. In the book, a new, extensive text body of words and lines is created from a selection of full-size economic words: Visually minimalist but contentwise baroquely sprawling and meandering.

To date, over 2,000 of the small-format text drawings exist on newspaper clippings. All economic words have been archived on a blog since 2012 in the order in which they were created: www.economicwords.com.

With this publication, two new versions of the project are available at once: as a printed book with 231 images and a volume of 480 pages and an e-book with texts by Robin Detje and Beate Tröger, 299 images and audio files of the spoken poems.


Anke Becker

Anke Becker is a visual artist and has been working in Berlin since 1991.

Her artistic work ranges from conceptual drawings and installations to visual poetry and participatory projects. She deals with the presence and absence of language, line and text in a variety of ways.

Anke Becker is the founder of the international art and exhibition project Anonyme Zeichner, runs the visual poetry blog economic words and is a founding member of Damensalon, a network of women artists with monthly salon evenings and changing guests.

Text: Beate Tröger, Robin Detje
Speakers: Lucy Powell, Alexander Booth
Design: Janine Sack, Camila Coutinho (e-book)
German / English
Approx. 370 pages, 299 illustrations, 8 audio files (20 min)
epub (72 MB)
September 2021
ISBN 978-3-947295-72-2
13,99 Euro

Bundle (book and e-book):
480 pages, 231 illustrations
Hardcover, thread binding, ribbon marker
32,00 Euro

Published as a book by: adocs.de
ISBN 978-3-943253-52-8
28,00 Euro

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