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X Properties (English edition)

#11 / X Properties negotiates the power of finance capital over the social and cultural production of the city, its relations and subjects.


Berlin’s real estate market is still booming, neighbourhoods are “developed”, people are forced out of their living environments. Residential, work and commercial spaces become investments for real estate corporations, trust funds, and anonymous owners, while a politicized tenants’ movement demands the right to the city for all.

But who are the real players behind the economic exploitation of urban space? What allows them to act the way they do – and how can their actions be politically and societally monitored, controlled, and thwarted?

X Properties examines the impact of financial capital on the social and cultural production of the city, its forms of relationality and subjectivity. The book is published on the occasion of the homonymous research and event project at neue Gesellschaft für bildende Kunst (nGbK). The text contributions by Christian (Syndikat-Kollektiv), Christoph Casper, Jana Gebauer, Kathrin Gerlof, Katrin Lompscher, Louis Moreno, Raquel Rolnik & Isadora Guerreiro & Paula Freire Santoro and Pheli Sommer combine Berlin case studies with global perspectives on the de/financialisation of the city.

Jyl (Joerg) Franzbecker

Jyl Franzbecker co-produces, -curates and -publishes various, research-based and knowledge-producing formats on art and urban space in changing collective contexts and is co-publisher of the Berlin Journals—On the History and Present State of the City.

Florian Wüst

Florian Wüst works as a film curator, artist and publisher in Berlin. He curates film programmes and exhibitions for international art institutions, cinemas and festivals. From 2016 to 2020 he was a film and video curator of transmediale. Recent curatorial projects include the IMPAKT Festival 2022 The Curse of Smooth Operations in Utrecht, together with Erik Bünger, as well as two exhibitions at Centro Internacional de Cultura Contemporánea Tabakalera, San Sebastián: Zin Ex. From Abstraction to Algorithm (2020) and Zin Ex. Body and Architecture (2021). Wüst is co-founder of the Berlin Journals—On the History and Present State of the City, an ongoing series of publications addressing the social, cultural, and economic changes in Berlin and other cities.

Naomi Hennig

Naomi Hennig lives in Berlin, where she works as researcher, artist, curator, editor, and project coordinator. She graduated from ECA Edinburgh and UdK Berlin and has since been involved in a number of artist-run initiatives. She collaborated in curatorial projects including an exhibition on the Artist Placement Group (APG) with Ulrike Jordan, presented at Kunstraum Kreuzberg / Bethanien, Berlin, and Summerhall, Edinburgh (2015/16). She co-curated the research and exhibition project Spaceship Yugoslavia at nGbK Berlin in 2012. Between 2013 and 2015, she organized the exhibition program at Galerie im Turm.

Her artistic and curatorial research revolves around the memorialization of political micro-histories, as well as the relationships of place, history, ecology, and economy.

Eds.: Joerg Franzbecker, Naomi Hennig, Florian Wüst
Text: Kim Bode, Christian (Syndikat-Kollektiv), Christoph Casper, Joerg Franzbecker, Jana Gebauer, Kathrin Gerlof, Naomi Hennig, Katrin Lompscher, Louis Moreno, Raquel Rolnik & Isadora Guerreiro & Paula Freire Santoro, Pheli Sommer, Florian Wüst
Image series: Kim Bode
Translation: Tina Steiger (DE), Robin Hambly (BR)
Design: Daniela Weirich
Design e-book: Camila Coutinho, Janine Sack
Approx. 200 pages, 16 illustrations
March 2023
ISBN 978-3-947295-80-7 epub (35 MB)
ISBN 978-3-947295-81-4 pdf (9 MB)
3,99 Euro


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