Online book presentation and panel discussion | Cultural Studies for Troubling Times

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4.6.2024, 6 pm (CEST)
The event will take place online
English, free admission

Cultural Studies for Troubling Times
A Multimodal Introduction to British and American Cultures

Ed. Christian Huck

Book presentation and panel discussion with Radha D’Souza, Joshua Clover, Rina Launert & editor Christian Huck

To celebrate the publication of Cultural Studies for Troubling Times. A Multimodal Introduction to British and American Cultures we warmly invite you to a panel discussion on the question “What can Culture do?”. To practice Cultural Studies only makes sense if we believe that culture matters, that culture is not only entertainment and escapism, but that it makes a difference in the world. We are very happy that Radha D’Souza, activist, academic and artist, Joshua Clover, poet, professor and author, as well as Rina Launert, student member of Culturitical, will join us to discuss the roles and the possibilities of culture. The event will take place online on 4th June 2024, 6 pm (CEST).

Join via YouTube @culturitical or this link here
