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Aus der ersten Person. Filmische Autobiografien / Autofiktion

A personal exploration of the field of cinematic autobiography / autofiction

5,99 15,00 

The publication Aus der ersten Person. Filmische Autobiografien/Autofiktion is a personal exploration of the field of cinematic autobiography: from self-documentaries and personal film experiments to autobiographically influenced feature films. It brings together texts and essays written as part of the Siegfried Kracauer Fellowship 2021, as well as more recent contributions from 2022 and 2023. The publication focuses on cinematic analogies to writing acts such as diary and essay films, journals, film poems and travelogues, as well as forms of autofiction. In addition to historical works such as Chantal Akerman’s News From Home (1977) and Jean Eustache’s Mes petites amoureuses (1974), the focus is primarily on more recent films, including works by Lynne Sachs, Su Friedrich, Vincent Dieutre, Frank Beauvais, Alfred Guzzetti, Alain Cavalier, Sandra Wollner and Joanna Hogg. The book can be read in a linear fashion – along a route that leads from the view from the window to the breaking of the autobiographical pact – or in the form of an open-ended reading.

Achim Lengerer (Ed.)

In his artistic practise, Achim Lengerer deals with the political effects and functions of language and text. In addition to cinematic soundtracks, installations and publications, his forms of expression include performative lectures and events.

Lengerer founded various collaborative projects, including the freitagsküche in Frankfurt on the Main. Since 2009, Lengerer has run the mobile exhibition space and publishing house Scriptings.

2017 Participation in documenta 14 with the 21-hour radio work different time, different place, different pitch (with Dani Gal) produced by Savvy Funk and Deutschlandfunk. PhD at Goldsmiths, University of London, UK.

Esther Buss

Esther Buss is a freelance film critic based in Berlin and writes for kolikfilm, Cargo, Jungle World, Filmdienst and Der Tagesspiegel, among others. Last publications in: Eine eigene Geschichte: Frauen Film Österreich seit 1999, edited by Isabella Reicher, Vienna 2020; Picturing Austrian Cinema. Geschichte(n) des österreichischen Kinos seit 1945 in 100 Laufbildern, ed. by Katharina Müller/Claus Philipp, Berlin 2022; Österreich real. Dokumentarfilm 1981-2021, ed. by Alejandro Bachmann/Michelle Koch, Vienna 2022; Peter Liechti. Personal Cinema, edited by Hannes Brühwiler, David Wegmüller, Zurich 2022.

Ed.: Achim Lengerer
Text: Esther Buss
Design concept: Julie Högner, Achim Lengerer
Design: Philipp Arnold
Cover design: Philipp Arnold unter Verwendung eines Motivs von Hervé Guibert © Christine Guibert/Courtesy Les Douches la Galerie, Paris
Conceptual consulting: Michael Baute
Copy editing: Sonja vom Brocke
Proofreading: Esther Buss, Achim Lengerer
Lithography: Christoph Seeberger, Judith Buss
Design E-Book: Camila de Oliveira Coutinho / EECLECTIC
Approx. 200 pages, 16 illustrations
Epub (24 MB)
February 2025
ISBN 978-3-947295-93-7
5,99 Euro

Bundle (book and e-book):
232 pages, 32 illustrations
ISBN 978-3-947295-94-4
15,00 Euro

Published as a book by: Scriptings / Archive Books
ISBN 978-3-949973-67-3
12,00 Euro

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